How I Lost All My Baby Weight in 4 Weeks

I had just had Kennedy via c section. I was a little sore, but it really wasn’t thaaaat bad. My stomach had also gone waaaay down. I actually felt rejuvenated after giving birth.

The next few weeks were a little more difficult than usual, but breastfeeding was going great! My breasts were full and milk supply was strong. Kennedy slept 3-4 hour stretches from the go, so I wasn’t too sleepy.

In the next few weeks, my stomach continued to go down and down. Breastfeeding really made the weight come right off. I just had a little bit of toning to do, but overall, I was really happy at how I was looking 3 weeks post op.

At the start of week 4, I started eating more greens and proteins and doing light cardio and weights, despite that “rule” that you should wait 6 weeks post c-section.

At 4 weeks post op, I was fitting in all my old clothes again! If you just rest, eat clean, and breast feed, you will have your pre-baby body in about a month or so, too!


Are you crazy? I felt like crap after my c-section! It hurt like hell. I came out of the hospital looking fully pregnant. I felt beat up.

Breastfeeding was painful. So painful, in fact, that I had to see a lactation specialist and purchase a nipple shield. That, my friends, is a GOD SEND. 

My stomach barely went down. It was huge. If I wore wrap, yes, it was smaller. If I squeezed myself into a girdle, yes it was smaller. But, it was barely, naturally, that much smaller.

Breastfeeding did not make the weight fall off. It hurt and I never produced much. I only breastfed for 9 weeks and now my daughter is a fully formula fed baby. 

I tried being more active before the 6 week rest period and I really hurt myself. I thought I had developed a hernia. Exercise is out of the question for 6 weeks if you've had a c-section.

Getting back to your pre-baby body 4 weeks post pardum is for the 1% of the population that was blessed with heavenly genes or for those who gained little during pregnancy and are very health/body conscious. These moms that snap back in four weeks should be put in museums and studied. I am not being mean. I’m being jealous. Because that was not, and is not, me. For better or worse.

I gained 45 pounds with Kennedy. Same with Everett. And nearly 60 pounds with Maddox. I still have nearly 20 Pounds to go to be my “pre-baby” weight. To sum it up, I have gained over 145 pounds in total over the last 7 years. My poor body. Been through the wringer.  But, hey, there really are more important things in life than having a "perfect" body.  Like raising children to be decent humans that contribute to society.

And F society for putting that pressure on moms to lose the weight freakishly quickly! That’s just not realistic! Shame, shame, shame (watch my wagging finger).

You want to know the trick to losing your baby weight? Eat right and exercise- both consistently. For a while. Like a year. And want to stay that way? Then plan on doing that for the rest of your damn life. I'm just sayin.' I know, I'm tired just thinking about this being the answer.

Here are some easier tricks you can use to increase your self-esteem while on your body-back journey:

  • Hide behind your beautiful baby in photos. I’m not kidding. Like position that baby right over your beautiful Buddha belly. Hey, baby is the star of the show anyways! Show that baby off to the world! No one is being hard on you except yourself!
Put baby in front of Buddha ;)

  • Wear black. I mean, let’s be real, you are kind of mourning the fact that you have to work so hard to fit into your old clothes, anyway. Kidding! It's well-known that dark colors are slimming. So, find some flattering clothes and have at it!

  • Get your nails and hair done. Hello! Every girl feels better with some fresh color and manicured hands and feet. And that foot and calf massage! Out of this world! Do you think it makes the person giving me my pedicure uncomfortable when I close my eyes and moan?

  • Whiten your teeth. Get some white strips and laugh. Nothing is sexier than a beautiful smile and laughter! To me, the prettiest people in the world are the funny and/or kind ones. Make other people laugh and laugh yourself! You can’t go wrong here. Endorphins flying, stomach contracting. Deep belly laugh.

  • Lastly, don’t compare! It’s hard, I know, but there is only one YOU. Lean into who you are and listen to Bieber and "go love yourself."  And love on that beautiful baby you created! There are women wishing they were in your shoes and had a post-baby body to worry about. Be kind to yourself.

Take these suggestions to heart and soon you will get ADD and forget to worry about your body after baby because you will be busy LOVING LIFE!

You are lovely because you are you,


PS- Please share my post with a mommy that needs to hear this :)


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