Do NOT Fold Your Toddler's Laundry!

 Lift your right hand.

"I do solemnly swear..."

First of all, if your kids are anything like my kids, they find great joy in rummaging through their drawers like a ravenous bum in a trash can. What new treasure can I find in here? How many outfits can I fit on my body at once?

Can’t you just feel the sense of despair and defeat? "Ugh, no. Please. I just..."

Second of all, folding takes a lot of time, and you most likely have a mountain of laundry. So what to do? Well, I just take the stuff out of the dryer and lay everything flat. Then I separate by tops, pants, 
shorts, and pjs. Don’t worry, I still put everything in its place.

Third of all, the laundry still remains organized. Each category (tops/pants/shorts/pjs) has a bin/drawer. You can still find what you need easily and you save time. As Charlie Sheen says: Winning! I even use some painter tape to label the drawers so that my five year old and husband can get in on the action.

Listen, if I had the time or inclination, I might even go to Michaels and get all Pinterest on this.

So, that’s my little bit of mom advice. Give it up. Stop today. You can fold your OWN laundry. You could even go crazy and implement the Kon Mari method with your own stuff (I do—you should Google that). But for kiddos, save yourself the time and energy. You have Netflix shows to treat yourself to.

I have locks on my three year old's stuff b/c he just gets crazy.

Hope this helps!

Signing out,



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