Reframing My Mind

Can all the people raised Catholic in the room please stand up? I was raised Catholic and so every year, I, along with my classmates and teachers, would plan what we intended on "giving up." I am sure I surrendered all sorts of things: sweets, soda, cursing, etc. It was such a bizarre tradition to sit around contemplating what we were going to deprive ourselves of. I think I missed the whole point of it all, to be honest. explains Lent simply: "Lent 2019 runs from Wednesday, March 6 to Holy Saturday on April 20. Although the dates of Lent move every year, the period of 40 days stays the same as they mark the same amount of days spent by Jesus in the desert. The temptation of Christ, as described in the Holy Gospels, details how Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the Judean Desert while the Devil tried to tempt him.  remember this sacrifice by also fasting for 40 days in preparation for Easter" (Link here).

My family and I have been attending a Presbyterian Church regularly for about 2 years now and so we don't really see a lot of Catholic practices too much. However, I think this time is really important for Christians.

I want a re-do! I want this Lent season to be meaningful and intentional. It's so hard to follow rules! Can I get an Amen? The second I tell myself I must do (or not do something), it becomes that much harder! It makes me realize why I need God's grace so much. I fall short every single day in so many areas!

An old classmate of mine (Hi, Brooke!) posted something I just love 🙋 from Pope Francis (I really like this man).

I am all about setting small and attainable goals, so I saved a picture of this on my phone and my alarm for the morning has a label that reflects this "fast."  I am going to concentrate on one "fast" every few days. First one? "Fast from hurting words and say kind words." I'm gonna take this a step further and modify it. "Divert negative thoughts of others and think of something I like about the person."

I thought someone out there might find my thoughts helpful. So, here's my game plan. What are you doing this Lent to make the festival meaningful? I want to know!


Jen aka "yoga lady"


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