Twenty Minutes a Day

Friends, I have to tell you, there is only one way to workout in this crazy season of life. I committed to 20 minutes of working out a day and it happened 5 times. Four out of seven opportunities. That's pretty amazing!

Here are my tips to actually make working out this week a reality for YOU:

1. Start small.

I soooo believe in taking baby steps in life. It makes success so much more probable when it's realistically achievable. So, if you are like me and you are feeling worn down, tired, and just don't feel like you want to make working out a priority right now, I feel ya! But, if you can find something you like to do for just TWENTY minutes, it could make a big difference in your week. I am doing the  Transform :20 program from Beach Body and Bridget Brown is my coach. Look her up on social media. She is a big inspiration. If a working prego mom can do it, you can do it, too!

2. Do it in the morning.

This week, when I did morning workouts, I felt more energized and ate better the rest of the day. I did a couple of night workouts with the kids up and about and crawling all around me-- that-- not so easy! Just have your clothes ready for you, open up your laptop (free workouts on Youtube, too) and JUST DO IT. You will be glad you did.

3. Be "coached" by someone who is better at working out than you are.

My sister-in-law is a beast. She is a working mom of two, close to giving birth, and she still works out (pretty hard) daily. Pick someone who you know will work out and inspire you to do the same! You can't have two Lazy Lucy's trying to make this whole workout thing happen. Pick someone you know who is "fit" and "share" your daily activity on your iWatch or something. Find someway to keep yourself accountable. When I see a friend "completed a workout" while I'm downing a doughnut, it makes me want to rethink what I'm doing and/or not doing.

So, I hope my quick and easy advice works for you b/c I lost TWO pounds this week. What what!

Have a nice week ya'll!



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