When Hairy Met Me

It has taken me over two years to fully accept the exhaustion that comes from raising a child. I can only speak from the experience of someone who works full time with a traveling spouse. For me, this has resulted in my putting myself last. First comes my child and husband, then come my students, then comes my house, and finally myself. I will openly state that I do not work out regularly, if at all. I eat fast food often. I shave maybe once a week. I do my hair maybe once a month. I do not get facials, or manicures, or Botox. Spray tans are for a yearly big deal event.

I have always been low maintenance, but in my mid twenties I did pick it up and managed to be more presentable from time to time. Hell, that's how I got my husband. But, I'm afraid I have reached an all time low. The scary part is that I don't have a morsel of energy left to do differently.

I need a special tea. Or a life coach. Someone to advise me of a way to reach that happy median. My son recently smooshed, ate, and mutilated the only 3 Mac lipsticks I own. I thought about getting angry, and then realized I haven't worn real make up in years.

But, I want to be a girl again. A woman that smells like perfume, with manicured hands, and shiny, tan and lotioned shaved legs. Will this time only come when my youngest child reaches 6 years old? If I want to be that heavenly smelling, put together woman, do I have to just be more selfish and put other people 2nd? Please hear me. I'm not trying to make myself out to be some hairy saint, I'm just perplexed how everyone else is doing it all and looking so good. I'm missing a piece to the puzzle.

I hope this entry prompts some people to respond because this tried mama needs tips! How do you do it?!


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